From left to Right: Evan Williams, Natalie Thompson, Bill Edwards, Gussie Clarke, L’Antoinette Osun ide Stines, Norma Rodney Harrack, Ian Randle, Basil Dawkins
Back Row: Howard Mitchell, Lennie Little – White, Mutabaruka
The Mediamix Doctor Bird Awards are back but with a difference. Instead of focusing on just film and Television, organizer Lennie Little – white decided that in its new incarnation the awards should recognize excellence across the full spectrum of the cultural industries, with nine awards for music, theatre, architecture, fashion, film and television, publishing, the written word, dance and the fine arts. Here are the recipients for 2018.
Gussie Clarke is one of the most successful music producers in Jamaica since 1972, working through his own studio, Music Works established in 1988. Artistes he has produced include Dennis Brown, Gregory Isaacs, Mighty Diamonds, Leroy Smart, JC Lodge, Shabba Ranks, Maxi Priest, Freddy McGregor, Dean Fraser, Beres Hammond and Rhianna. The award is in honour of Duke Reid and Clement “Coxone Dodd”.

Since 1980, Basil Dawkins has been staging annual plays at home and overseas which have become the benchmarks for others to emulate. Arguably Jamaica’s best current playwright, Dawkins is now a full-time producer best known for stagings like Champagne and Sky Juice; Toy Boy and Feminine Justice.
The award for Theatre is in honour of Wycliffe Bennett.

Evan Williams is the co-founder of Design Collaborative and his designs are to be seen in many Kingston landmarks notably the former New Kingston high-rise Citibank building and the Edna Manley College of the Visual and Performing Arts complex. Outside of Kingston, his iconic talent is to be seen in the best of the Sandals and Super Clubs resorts, the Orange Valley Theme Park and most recently the re-designed Puerto Seco Beach complex. Danny Repole whose architectural transformation of the New Kingston skyline is the inspiration for the architectural award to Williams is one of his mentors.

Natalie Thompson is best known as the premier line producer for major Hollywood films shot in Jamaica, including Cool Runnings; How Stella Got her Groove Back; Cocktails; Instinct; Yardie and the Jamaican Third World Cop. Through her own production company, Cinecom founded in 1975 Thompson a veteran of the industry, is also accomplished at producing TV commercials. Having worked in her early years with Perry Henzell producer of Jamaica’s first cult movie The Harder They Come , it is appropriate that her award is named in his honour.

Poet, disc jockey, performer and radio host, Mutabaruka defies tradition like the person after whom his award is named, Louise Bennett Coverley. His many poems, many of which have been published in four books, as well as his musical recordings resonating from the grassroots, make his the undisputed ‘street poet of Jamaica’. Identifiable by his eclectic outer garments and his permanent barefoot stance, few can walk in his footsteps either in Jamaica or overseas in this role.

The Bill Edwards fashion line is arguably the dominant line in Jamaica and his designs are now worn with pride by both males and females in Jamaica, the Caribbean and elsewhere. Edwards is not only a pioneer following in the footsteps of Ivy Ralph,in whose honour the award is made but has led the way for other young male talents to embrace fashion as a legitimate artistic career and in the development of a local fashion industry.

Described by Ian Randle the awardee himself as the ‘Cinderella’ of the cultural industries publishing has at last been invited to the party. His eponymous publishing company established in 1991, has long been recognized for the range and quality of his books which has made Ian Randle Publishers a global brand. In giving voice to Jamaican and Caribbean writers and the opportunity to tell their own stories, Ian Randle has brought publishing squarely into the centre of Jamaican cultural activity. His award under the rubric of ‘Pan Media’ acknowledges its crucial link among other sectors including advertising, motion picture, television, radio and print. His award under the Pan Media category is in honour of playwright, broadcaster and advertising guru, Reggie Carter.

The dance company L’Acadco is known throughout Jamaica and the Caribbean though it founder, the colourful and inspirational, L’Antoinette Osun ide Stines. Her vision to create and develop a unique Caribbean dance technique has been christened, L’Antech. Beyond inspiring her company and taking its performers to many international stages, A’Antoinette has also authored two books. Not surprisingly, her award for dance is in honour of the legendary Rex Nettleford who founded, choreographed and danced with the National Dance Theatre Company (NDTC).

Artist, teacher and author, Norma Rodney Harrack is the awardee for the Fine Arts in honour of Barrington Watson, first head of the Jamaica School of Art, where she currently teaches in the re-named Edna Manley College for the Visual and Performing Arts. A ceramist, Norma Rodney Harrack’s pieces stand proudly in many galleries and museums across the world – one such piece being part of the permanent collection of the Museum of Design in Barcelona, Spain.

Lennie Little-White, is the inspiration behind the Doctor Bird Awards. The awards had their genesis in 1998, as a tribute to Jamaicans who excelled locally and internationally in Film and Television. After a hiatus of several years, Little – white decided to revive the awards but with a difference – widening the umbrella to cover all those professionals who now excel in the creative industries, while paying homage to the forerunners who laid the foundation. This he has achieved by naming each of the nine awards in honour of an outstanding forerunner. Little – white who is the founder of Mediamix, the Caribbean’s most prolific motion picture production house hopes that with the help of sponsors, this celebration of excellence will become an annual event in Jamaica’s business and cultural calendar.