Art and Culture FeatureIn Praise of My Jamaican Nanny: A Jewish American Writer’s Tribute to his ‘Other Mother’.Jamaica GlobalAugust 25, 2019August 25, 2019 by Jamaica GlobalAugust 25, 2019August 25, 2019014286 After his cherished childhood nanny dies, a Jewish young man entering into adulthood realizes there is so much he has yet to learn about the...
Feature Immigration News and AnalysisHURRAY, HURRAY! YEAH MAN, NO MORE IMMIGRATION/CUSTOMS FORMS REQUIRED WHEN TRAVELING TO JAMAICAJamaica GlobalAugust 13, 2019August 13, 2019 by Jamaica GlobalAugust 13, 2019August 13, 201905418 This is not fake news but you have to complete the C5 Form online BEFORE you travel to enjoy this facility. Remember those days when...
Business Business in Jamaica FeatureSETTING UP BUSINESS IN JAMAICA JUST GOT EASIER WITH THE ELECTRONIC BUSINESS REGISTRATION FORM (eBRF)Jamaica GlobalAugust 8, 2019August 9, 2019 by Jamaica GlobalAugust 8, 2019August 9, 201902160 Yes, you can now register a business in Jamaica, night or day, seven days a week from the comfort of your home or office from...
Feature Reparations For SlaveryREPARATION FOR SLAVERY AT LAST! UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW AND UWI ANNOUNCE MUTI – MILLION POUND COLLABORATIONJamaica GlobalJuly 31, 2019August 1, 2019 by Jamaica GlobalJuly 31, 2019August 1, 201902619 The University of the West Indies and the Caribbean are celebrating the first formal act of Reparation of a twenty million pound £ contribution to...
Feature Reparations For SlaveryIS THE REPARATION MOVEMENT FINALLY TAKING OFF?Jamaica GlobalJuly 30, 2019 by Jamaica GlobalJuly 30, 20190818 A SURVEY OF RECENT REVELATIONS AND EVENTS SHOWS THINGS ARE BEGINNING TO HAPPEN A flurry of activities and a convergence of unconnected events in different...
Feature Reparations For SlaveryIS REPARATIONS REALLY AN IMPOSSIBLE DREAM? WHAT YOU ALWAYS THOUGHT YOU KNEW BUT DIDN’TJamaica GlobalJuly 27, 2019July 28, 2019 by Jamaica GlobalJuly 27, 2019July 28, 20192 1263 “It always seems impossible until it is done” Nelson Mandela For the better part of 30 years, Hilary Beckles has been speaking about...
Feature Reparations For SlaveryGOD HAS DONE US AN INJUSTICE: A Baptist Pastor Makes A Biblical case for ReparationsJamaica GlobalJuly 26, 2019 by Jamaica GlobalJuly 26, 201911928 Devon Dick is pastor of the Boulevard Baptist Church in Kingston and the immediate past president of the Jamaica Baptist Union. Revd. Dick is also...
Feature High Profile Immigration The Windrush GenerationUnwelcomed Immigrants, Birther Lies, Windrush Atrocity And Trumpism: Orlando Patterson on Blacks in America and BritainJamaica GlobalJuly 17, 2019July 24, 2019 by Jamaica GlobalJuly 17, 2019July 24, 201912032 At the tender age of 23 when Orlando Patterson published his first novel The Children of Sisyphus to much literary acclaim, he had dreams of...
Feature High Profile Jamaicans Making A MarkONE ON ONE WITH A JAMAICAN ‘BIG THINKER’: ORLANDO PATTERSON TALKS TO JAMAICA GLOBAL ONLINE ABOUT THIS CONFOUNDING ISLANDJamaica GlobalJuly 15, 2019July 17, 2019 by Jamaica GlobalJuly 15, 2019July 17, 201902981 Orlando Patterson’s ‘return’ to Jamaica is not a physical one (although he visits his homeland at least twice a year) but refers to the title...
Feature High ProfileBeyond the Headlines interview with Glynne ManleyJamaica GlobalJuly 14, 2019July 15, 2019 by Jamaica GlobalJuly 14, 2019July 15, 201901273 ” No book has impacted my mind and soul in the past 20 years the way this one has….I will be shouting louder than ever…the...